Parking Space Lease Agreement Form. Such receipt shall show the amount paid and number of the leased parking space. Create a high quality document online now!
Also, if the lease rental includes assigned parking, it should also be written down.
The following terms and conditions shall apply to this Parking Space Lease Agreement ("Agreement") Lessor agrees to provide a receipt to Lessee for each payment received.
WHEREAS, Lessor desires to lease to Lessee and Lessee desires to lease from Lessor parking space(s) at the location generally described as the River House, the "Premises", it Parking Space Lease Agreement - Free download as Word Doc (.doc /.docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. format Lease agreement. The parking space lease agreement is among a property-owner which controls an area of space, designated for a vehicle as well as permits an individual to rent it in return for payment. A parking space lease agreement form, on the other hand, is preferable to be used if a car owner or a resident wants to use the parking space for a minimum of six months to a year And with regards to the number of terms and conditions, clauses, and statements enlisted and defined in both forms.