Patent Cease And Desist Letter. The letter may warn that if the recipient does not discontinue specified conduct, or take certain actions, by deadlines set in the letter. A cease and desist letter notifies someone to stop engaging in harassment, unlawful debt collection, character defamation, or trademark and copyright Use a trademark infringement cease and desist letter to explain to an infringing party why their use of a similar or identical trademarked name, word.
In its simplest definition, a cease and desist letter is a method of communicating to a person your request regarding the discontinuation of any of their action or activity that is harassing you or infringing your rights in any way.
Cease and desist letters are often used when one party feels that it is being damaged by information that another party is circulating.
You must respond but do not do so without the counsel of an attorney. When someone uses your protected work without your consent, they are in breach. Once a patent issues, the patentee has a right to demand that However, the cease and desist letter may allow the alleged infringer to file a declaratory judgment action ("DJ Action") against the patentee when the correspondence between the.