Patent License Agreement Form. Patent License Assignments and Agreements allow you to use this legal protection for your greater financial or legal interest. Patent licensing then can be a source of income and can be very lucrative business.
A Patent License Agreement is a contract between the patent owner, the licensor, and another, the licensee, that grants to the licensee the right to use, develop, manufacture, or sell the patented technology or process, rights otherwise exclusive to the patent owner.
Transferring a license is not the only use of a Patent Agreement Form.
A patent license agreement incorporates different sections. In this article, contained are examples of patent license agreement templates and examples. Patent Licensing is an act of assigning the ownership of a patent to a third party so, they can make, use, and sell your invention either exclusively or In other terms licensing a patent is a mutual agreement between individual or companies or a company which you choose to make, use, and sell.