Pauls Missionary Journeys Timeline. Get your team aligned with all the tools you need on one secure, reliable video platform. Post jobs, find pros, and collaborate commission-free in our professional marketplace.
Timeline of the Apostle Paul's ministry (Philip Munoz)
Here is a map to help the reader follow along: After updating his home church in Antioch in Syria of the things God had done during his second missionary journey, Paul departed again on a third journey to strengthen the churches he had planted previously. When Barnabas suggested that they bring John Mark, Paul disagreed, because he had abandoned them on the previous missionary journey. PAUL, MISSIONARY JOURNEYS Of all the great wayfarers of antiquity, the journeys of Paul of Tarsus (see paul, apostle, st.) are among the best documented.
The essay is a timeline of Paul journeys that leads up to the return of Jesus.
Paul's next missionary journey can also be divided into three main parts - his Ephesus phase, where he worked for two years, the Macedonian and On this journey Paul also wrote his main doctrinal letters.
Timeline of the Apostle Paul's ministry
Paul's Third Missionary Journey -
CHURCH-I-ANITY: Scripture or tradition? | Biblical Connection
Paul at Paphos of Cyprus - Paul's First Missionary Journey ...
The Apostle Paul’s Missionary Journeys | Reasoned Cases ...
Timeline of the Apostle Paul's ministry
Apostle Paul Map - All cities visited | Paul's missionary ...
Question: "What were the different missionary journeys of Paul?". Able to continue limited apostolic work. I wanted the kids to get just how serious traveling then was, and have a bit of fun so I had them plan their own travel supplies.